Sunday, June 9, 2013



10 weeks old

1 week old
   Diana was a black Australorp and was part of the trio of our first flock we got back on April 2, 2013.  She unfortunately passed away last week at only 11 weeks old.  We were out doing our usual routine after the girls had been "coop-ed" up for an unusual four day heat wave.  Within ten minutes of being out Diana had made a coughing/hacking sound, but looked ok.  However when she did it again I knew there was something wrong.  She was choking on something.  I tried everything I could to help her, then ran inside to get my husband, who ran out while I got a child's medicine dropper thinking maybe I could suction something out.    
   I got some out, which I believe to be part of a slug; her favorite.  However, nothing we did could save her and within ten minutes of that initial cough she was gone.

With my husband & daughter
 Diana was unique, but it wasn't just because she was the odd girl out in the flock; she was so much more than that.  She had such a sweet and docile demeanor.  She loved to perch on my shoulder or arm.  She didn't seem to care about a pecking order and led to the beat of her own drum.  She loved attention and didn't mind being held or touched.  She was my favorite out of the three and is missed very much. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

With Every Homestead Comes Chickens!

   My ideal home contained visions of vegetable and flower gardens, horses, pastures of grass, chickens, old barns, cowgirl boots, and a farmers porch that had matching rocking chairs on it.  We haven't necessarily been able to check all of those boxes of the list, but slowly we're getting there.
When we moved to our town last year it seemed like everyone we met had chickens; which gave me plenty of opportunities for first hand learning.  I spent the year learning, reading and listening to others and then when spring hit and it was chick season, we began our adventure!

Anne, Diana & Lucy- 1wk old
These little girls are the three we chose to start with.  I chose two Buff Orpingtons and one Black Australorp.  I chose them specifically because they were cold hardy (very important here in NH), great egg layers and friendly/docile.  The latter was also a huge factor to us this being our first experience.
The two Buff girls are names Anne (Shirley) and Lucy (Maud Montgomery) and the Black Australorp is Diana (Barry).  If you have seen Anne of Green Gables, you will get the name theme!

Having chickens is a bit of work, but it is so much fun.  Many days I would go in to clean the brooder and end up in there a bit longer than intended...

Hanging out with me- 3wks old
Perching- 3wks old
When they were little it wasn't bad & tickled to feel them flapping their wings in my ears.  As they got to be 7 or 8 weeks and they still tried to do this it was a bit more tricky.
I tried to get weekly pictures of them before they got out to the coop full time.  I love seeing how much the grew in such a short amount of time.
         The time in between the third and fourth week is huge in growth!  Look at the difference between the two.  They are actually starting to look like chickens and not little baby peepers.
4 wks old
While the chicks were gaining speed in growth, the temperatures were still very cool here in NH, so they were not going to be able to stay out in the coop until they had all their feathering and a little beyond.  I would bring them out in a homemade enclosure so they were able to get some sun, grass and bugs on a daily basis.
6 wks old

Here's Lucy watching her new home being put together!  She's 7 weeks old in this picture.  She's a sweet girl.  Her favorite place to be is on my shoulder!
Here's Lucy today- a month later.  She'll be 11 wks old this weekend.  Look how beautiful she is!  Her favorite place is still on my shoulder, but given the opportunity to free range for a bit or my shoulder, she naturally pics free ranging.  She's no fool.